Hangur and Slettafjellet

Sunday, 4th July 2010


Our walk today took us up to Hangur cable car station (no not by cable car!) from where we could watch some paragliders taking off. We then continued on to the Red Cross Cabin and the Vallberg tarn.  The surroundings are an eldorado for skiers in the winter months and Lønahorgi can be seen to the north-east, 1412 metres above sea level. Returning to the main track we eventually found an indistinct route that took us up to Slettafjell with views into more valleys, and a good spot for lunch. Retracing our way to the main path we then headed west towards Kisseldur where summer farming was carried out until the 1960s. Gradually descending through the woodland we passed many ant hills, some of which were about a metre high. It was then an easy walk back into Voss.


Scroll down to see photos of the walk

The green track follows much of our route


We soon start to get views . . .


over Voss . . .


and the lake


After an enjoyable climb through the trees we take a brief pause for a drink


Voss, from higher up . . .


looks much closer with the zoom


From the cable car station . . .


the zoom brings the paragliders really close


Two more prepare for take-off . . .


and after a short run . . .


they leave the ground . . .


and begin their flight


The cable car arrives at the station . . .


while a solo flyer . . .


makes sure his lines are not tangled . . .


and quickly takes to the air


Turning off the main path we head for . . .


the Red Cross Cabin . . .


where I find a mushroom . . .


or three


Reaching the summit of Slettafjell . . .


it's time for lunch . . .


before making our way back to a gradually descending path . . .


over an unusual bridge . . .


and through the trees . . .


where we find many anthills . . .


which must contain millions of ants . . .


and Chris and Gillian provide some perspective


A brief catch-up stop . . .


before reaching the road . . .


where one of the horses is determined not to move


Is this the new thing in garden water features . . .


of does a sleigh take pride of place?


Astilbes grow really tall in Norway!


You could almost be in England

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