Dunedin and Otago Peninsula

Sunday, 4th February 2007

After travelling to Dunedin we visited Baldwin Street,the first Church in Dunedin, the Railway Station and the Otago Peninsula. We rounded off the day with dinner at Fleur's.


Baldwin Street, reputed to be the steepest street in the world, 35% at its maximum


The first Church in Dunedin, Gothin in style, begun in 1862


Dunedin Railway Station, opened in 1906


The stained glass window depicts an approaching train with a headlight of marble


Moeraki boulders, almost unique in the world, are formed around a central core of lime crystals . . .


which appear to have the power of attracting silica, alumina and peroxide of iron . . .


It takes around 4 million years to create a boulder. When the land arose above sea level . . .


erosion from sea and air exposed the boulders which are 2 - 4 metres diameter


Fleur's Place, a popular seafood restaurant recognised by Cuisine magazine as one of the best 100 things about New Zealand


It is made and finished with second-hand materials


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